Vitro Plus

Vitro Plus, a Dutch producer of an extensive assortment of ferns, has developed a new cultivation system for ferns. In this innovative system, the plants are cultivated into semi-hardened off seedlings in a fully monitored efficient way. This system has been derived from the Vitro Plus 30-year-old tissue culture system.

Worldwide export

From the very start in 1990, Vitro Plus has grown an extensive assortment of ferns and offers consultancy services for the growing process and marketing strategy. At the moment, the company grows over 30 million fern seedlings a year and exports them to more than 50 countries worldwide. About half of these seedlings are sent to the United States, where ferns are very popular.

High cultivation capacity

In order to respond to the worldwide demand, the company equipped a separate greenhouse for multi-layered state-of-the-art cultivating. By using special trollies fitted with specially developed LED plates, the cultivation capacity per m3 is 20-30 times higher than in traditional greenhouses. The latest cooling and air conditioning systems guarantee a verifiable climate. Next to the cultivation hall, a fully automatic production area was built to produce plants. In addition, a tissue culture laboratory has been housed for the detailed study of new species, protocols and new innovative processes. This great expansion has prepared Vitro Plus for the future and its constant pursuit of innovation in the fern world.