High-tech campus Eindhoven
Innovation is essential for companies that want to grow. The development of new technologies is often expensive and requires specialist knowledge. Most of the time it is uncertain whether the technology will be successful. This requires a good strategy. The Netherlands, with both large and smaller companies, have a strong position in specific (niche) markets for the high tech sector. This position needs to be strengthened and expanded.
The sector-High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM) is one of the nine sectors that the government has designated as a top sector. HTSM offers pragmatic solutions to technological challenges. From system architecture to production, always in the crossover of technologies. The sector includes a number of closely interlinked manufacturing industries: the machine and systems industries, automotive, aerospace and materials, including steel. In 2008, this sector generated a turnover of € 74 billion with a value of € 20 billion. This industry collectively is investing more than € 2.3 billion a year on its own research and development. Some companies export more than 90 percent of their production. Other companies invest up to 20 percent of their revenue on R & D.
World leader and enabler
The Netherlands is the world leader in the design, development and manufacture of high-tech equipment and micro / nano components. Characteristic features are:
- very intelligent (embedded systems, software, sensors)
- very precise (nano electronics, high precision manufacturing)
- highly efficient (mechatronics)
Knowledge in the field of materials plays an increasingly important role. ICT is an integral part of the technological developments worldwide. The top sector high-tech is thus a key enabler for many other sectors, such as energy, chemistry, life sciences and agri & food.
This top sector makes a vital contribution to solving social issues in the fields of health, mobility, energy, security and climate.
Technological excellence
A well-functioning network (‘ecosystem’) by specialized companies and knowledge institutions is crucial for the competitiveness of the sector. By factors such as high labor costs relative to low-wage countries, low public facilities compared to Asia and the United States, and a small Dutch home market, the sector is positioning itself internationally in the segment of high value, high mix, high complexity ‘. It focuses generally on the ‘niche’ markets, usually with small batch sizes, and distinguishes itself on technological excellence. Intensive collaboration between OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturer) and specialized suppliers and knowledge institutions make the sector internationally distinctive.
A large part of the HTSM sector is concentrated in the Southeast of the Netherlands; Brainport region around Eindhoven. Around Twente and Delft are also concentrations of high-tech companies and research institutions.
Facts & Figures
Production (x million euro)
Working people
(x1000 fte)
Number of companies
Source: CBS (2015): Monitor topsectors 2015, results 2011, 2012 en 2013